The Brown Palace FAQs

What time is check in and check out?

Check-in: 4pm
Check-out: 11am

Can I take a tour of your hotel?

Please click here to visit our Hotel Tours page for more information.

Do you offer complimentary Wi-Fi?

Complimentary Wi-Fi is available in the lobby, and for Marriott Rewards Members. Access to Wi-Fi is available to all guests.

Are you dog friendly?

Trained pets are welcome at Brown Palace (no more than two per guestroom under 50lbs). A $125 USD pet fee, per stay applies. Pets must be attended at all time and on a leash or in the owner’s arms in all common areas, including outdoors, and are not permitted in dining or in the spa. Service animals are welcome.


Please fill out the form on our lost and found page to report a lost item, and our security team will be with you shortly.